June 16, 2021
Thank you to our sponsors and presenters!
The agenda is listed below the logos and images of our expert partners. Session details, including full videos and select resources are pasted throughout this page. If you would like specific information regarding any of the unique sessions, please reach out to us at support@grownin.com. Thanks.
- In the morning: Three 50 minute panels curated for aspiring and growing cannabis business operators.
- In the afternoon: Four limited audience workshops conducted by cannabis industry domain experts. These sessions are private to the participants.
Wednesday, June 16, 2021 • 5:00PM – 6:00PM
Zoom Webinar. Link to be sent prior to the event.
9:00 am CT – How investors Approach New States Going Rec.
When a state legalizes adult-use cannabis sales, the playing field changes for obtaining licenses, the number and type of customers changes, and business models have to adapt. Our panel, made up of experienced cannabis investors will talk about how they decide where to invest, and what they look for in an entrepreneur.
10:00 am CT – Debt Vehicles for Cannabis Companies
For a well-operated cannabis company, debt capital comes much cheaper than equity. Our experienced panelists will discuss different ways cannabis companies can borrow, what sorts of assets they can use, and their experience with finding good partners for debt financing.
11:00 am CT – Borrowing Using Cannabis Company Real Estate Leasebacks
Real estate backed debt is one of best available sources of capital for cannabis companies. This session, including two real estate lenders and a cannabis company leader, will describe how the process works, how to prepare for it, and the right questions to ask before you close a real estate debt deal.
Afternoon Agenda
Concurrent sessions ran at 2:00 pm and 3:00 pm CT for a maximum 15 people/per workshop.
1:00 pm CT – The Regulatory Side of Transferring a Cannabis License
Irina and David will discuss common regulatory issues that arise when cannabis companies are bought and sold. Their discussion will focus on preliminary steps that purchasers should take to ensure the smooth transition of all necessary licenses to ensure they are able to acquire the “bundle of goods” they are targeting. This presentation will include an outline of due diligence steps that are required when acquiring companies (or individual licenses) in the cannabis industry, and reasons why it is important to “play nice” with regulators from the outset.
1:00 pm CT – 280E: Beyond the Basics and Recent Updates
Join an attorney and a CPA who work extensively in the cannabis industry as they bring their unique perspectives and experiences to a lively discussion on the latest 280E court rulings, internal IRS documents outlining audit techniques for cannabis businesses and 280E mitigation strategies.
2:00 pm CT – Reducing Turnover: Strategic Employee Training
We will invite participants to review, discuss, and apply strategic, proven, and critical HR practices which are unique to the Cannabis industry. Gabe brings the insider perspective, gained from helping open 12 dispensaries; Eric has designed and facilitated training for thousands of professionals.
2:00 pm CT – Marketing Your Cannabis Opportunity
In this workshop, we’ll discuss the do’s and don’ts of marketing your investment opportunity while staying in compliance with securities laws. U.S. securities laws are complicated and not very intuitive. Posting your investment opportunity on LinkedIn could get you an unfriendly call from the SEC. We’ll offer insights into different ways you can legally market your opportunity through competitions, events, industry connections, and even social media.
If you would like specific information regarding any of the unique sessions, please reach out to us at support@grownin.com. Thanks.